Hit them in the Wallet: Who Contributed to the January 6th Insurrection?

Whether you like it or not, Trump has been impeached for his part in inciting the January 6th Insurrection at the Capitol. Whether the Senate punishes him for it is anyone’s guess (probably no). If you feel this was a horrible way to treat the Best President Ever, then you can stop reading. This isn’t your stop.
For the normal people, I think we know that the instigators, Trump included, probably won’t face any real punishment. The GOP, for the most part, is terrified of Trump and his base. And some of them bear equal responsibility, and consequences for Republicans in power would set a bad precedence for them.
So I’m starting a list of people and businesses who contributed in some way to all this insanity. Because they tried to have a coup in the United States of America, and I am not down with that shit. I hope you aren’t either. But this list isn’t just me. If you have names to add, send them to me, comment them, whatever, and they’ll get added. But include a source so I can make sure. Because unlike QAnon, I like facts.
The Wall of Shame
- Trump
- Publix
Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Publix heiress donated $300,000 to the Stop the Steal rally preceding the insurrection. Publix says that Fancelli is just a share-holder and not involved in any way with the Publix business. But Publix has donated money to the campaigns of all 147 members of Congress who voted to overturn the election, and has been silent on whether they plan to continue contributing to seditionists. - Rudy Giuliani
- Alex Jones
- Fox News
- Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Josh Hawley
- Rand Paul
- Senator Boebert
- Ted Cruz
Let’s see how deep the rot goes, folks.