Chris OKennon
Chris OKennon

Drunk, fat, and stupid is no way to go through life. But I did it anyway.

I currently go by Grim Ginger, but I've also gone by Forever Noob, Captain Midnight, and Chris (ugh). I've been involved in games since before they had color. I'm also a writer, cartoonist, and UX Researcher. And most importantly a dad. I stream games for fun. I figured since I talk to myself anyway, I might as well entertain the idea someone could be listening. And this my nefarious career as a variety streamer was born.​

I've done a lot of things over the years. I helped invent e-government, wrote policy for government Web accessibility, started the first UX Lab in state government, ran for Congress (lost), been homeless for a few months with a family of five, crossed the country - twice - with three kids, 4 dogs, and a cat, and went to college before the Internet.

Chris OKennon

Chris OKennon

Award almost winning author and Content Creator. 14 years working under cover as a triple-double-agent.